Parenting Class- Who Me?

You may have heard about the Triple P Parenting classes around town. You might be wondering, who are these parenting classes for anyway? The answer—you!

Thanks to First 5 Nevada County, and Nevada County Superintendent of Schools, classes are available with you in mind. Triple P-Positive Parenting Program is offered at no cost to families except $30 for the class handbook. We even have scholarships available for the book because we want every single parent interested in learning, to be able to attend. Triple P says it’s for “every parent” – meaning, you don’t have to fit any special criteria; maybe you just want some support and fresh ideas about how to make life a little smoother at home.

Many capable and wonderful Nevada County families have come through the program. They are families who often have much to give in the way of sharing ideas, stories, and humor, even while they receive some new ideas and information. Sometimes we have two parent families attend, sometimes single parents; we also have occasional grandparents and foster parents. I have noticed how the experience of being a parent is such a common denominator for class members, that parents can usually relate to each other’s joys and frustrations because they’re all parents—they’ve been there!

Many helpful ideas shared in class are from parents swapping on-the-job tips with each other. It also seems to be reassuring to people to know that even though they love their children deeply, they aren’t the only ones to get frustrated with their kids from time to time. I also hear plenty of comments about how it is nice to share the time with other parents and have a weekly format to discuss similar challenges and concerns. One mom recently pointed out that it is sort of a luxury to be able to sit, listen and learn while her children are enjoying fun with other kids with our childcare providers. Often families have the sense that they would like to keep in touch with each other even after the class is over, simply because it’s good support and just plain fun to be in conversation with other parents regarding everyday concerns.

The Triple P class also offers snacks with each class. I often joke that between the free childcare and the snacks, it’s cheaper than staying home! One of the most gratifying things I hear from parents taking the class is that they are amazed with how things start working better at home. With just a few small changes, families typically begin enjoying more of a sense of  peace and calm in the household. Everyone benefits, from the kids to the parents. So, yeah, a parenting class for you? Why not?

Originally published in the Parents Resource Guide; Updated with current information in 2014