Four Patterns of Relating

Four Patterns of Relating

Examining the four patterns of relating can tell you a lot about your marriage. Read on to understand more about your relationship.
Valentine's Day

Another Take on Valentine’s Day

If you're not feeling it on Valentine's Day, no need to pretend. Read on to find out how to make the day a tradition for reconnecting!
Happy New Year, Now Zip It!

Happy New Year, Now Zip It!

Find out about the 8 things you should never say to your partner according to therapists. Keep these in mind and have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Holiday Hearts Desires

Holiday Hearts Desires

Slow down this holiday season, and as a couple, choose some ways to enjoy each other and make the season bright.
Relationship Reruns

Are Relationship Reruns Plaguing your Marriage?

Relationship reruns plague most marriages, but why? If you and your partner keep getting stuck in the same old fight, this column is for you!
The angel and devil in your marriage

The Angel and Devil In Your Marriage

What is bedeviling your marriage? There can be lots at play underneath the surface. Read on to bring some healing energy to your relationship.
Stick together when tragedy strikes

Stick Together When Tragedy Strikes

Don't let the stress and overwhelm of tragedy divide you as a couple. Here are ideas on how to stay connected and get through it together.
Everyday Marriage Renewal

Everyday Marriage Renewal

Do you remember the early promises of your relationship? Read my article in The Union to learn about everyday marriage renewal.
Co-creating summertime fun

Co-creating Summertime Fun

Co-creating summertime fun can be a challenge for couples. Here are a few ideas to stay in sync as you plan the fun.
When you have a reluctant partner

When You Have A Reluctant Partner

If you have a reluctant partner, or you ARE a reluctant partner, things can get tricky. Read on to see how to work with desire differences.