Sometimes parents are doing their best but feel their relationships with their children are not working and they don’t know why. Perhaps you are reacting to your children in ways that you never thought you would. A deeper self-understanding may help you become aware of what is blocking you from becoming the parent you want to be. I offer sessions to help parents address these blocks and build skills to parent effectively and with confidence.


Parenting Expertise

As Parenting Specialist for Nevada County Superintendent of Schools for nine years, I facilitated parenting workshops in affiliation with First 5 Nevada County and PARTNERS Family Resource Centers.  I have a wealth of knowledge and practical tools to help parents. I was trained in the attachment-based Circle of Security Parenting program, which helps parents to focus on strengthening their relationship bonds with their children. I also have extensive knowledge through my training with Triple P Parenting which offers effective strategies helping families with the big job of parenting. Please reach out if you would like me to help you.