couples therapy

How to Succeed in Couples Therapy

If you and your partner are wondering if it's worth it to go to couples therapy, here are five ideas to set yourselves up for success.
marriage counseling | Meg Luce

Get The Most From Couples Counseling

Have you ever suggested that you and your partner get couples counseling
couple coping with adversity

Generator, Cheaper Than Divorce

The power outages have been tough, don't we all know it. So how do you manage the irritability with yours truly, with or without a generator?
happy retired couple

We’re Retired Dear, Now What?

Couples can pull together to negotiate shared satisfaction in retirement and sail happily into their Golden Years. Here are some prompts to begin talking.

How To Survive Stressful Times…Without Destroying Your Relationship

When calamity strikes, pull together with your partner rather than turning against each other. When the storm passes, you will be stronger than ever.

Legit Reasons to Go to Bed Angry

How many times have you heard the relationship advice, "never go to bed angry"? Read on to see how this age-old suggestion leads astray you and yours truly.
undifferentiated self

Undifferentiated Self

When you want to give into anger and take the low road, here is another way to acknowledge the feelings, but take a different path.

Stress-Free Valentine’s Day

Couples can do a lot to create a stress-free and happy Valentine's celebration with a few simple steps.

Real Love For Real Relationships

What are five important tasks to cultivate real love for real relationships? Read on to see how to sustain real love in your life.
marriage roses

Don’t Blame Marriage

Marriages can help people learn to grow themselves up. In fact, your marriage will point the way.

Slip Out The Back, Jack?

A positive mindset may improve your couples therapy and make the minutes tick by more quickly
couples therapy

The Measuring Cups Incident

How Managing Household Chores Can Help Your Relationship Grow